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How to Tell If Your Pet Has an Eye Infection

Are you worried that your cat, dog, or other pet has developed an eye infection? Infections are common among pets and eye infections are particularly worrisome. If you suspect your pet is experiencing an eye infection and live in Miami, contact our veterinarian at Ferreira Animal Hospital to schedule an examination.

Eye Discharge

Eye discharge is one of the most common and obvious signs of an eye infection. If your pet is experiencing a yellow discharge, it may be due to a bacterial infection. A clear discharge is often the sign of a viral infection. Either way, discharges are a cause for concern. It is best to bring your pet to an animal hospital for immediate treatment.

Other Signs of Eye Infections

If your pet is scratching at its eyes, this could be due to an infection. Quite likely, your pet’s eyes itch or are painful. The scratching may provide temporary relief. Scratching can also worsen the infection. Your dog or cat’s eyes may also turn red due to an infection. If you notice swelling in the eye or the tissues around the eye, this may also be due to an infection.

How Our Veterinarian Treats Eye Infections

The treatment plan will depend on the cause of your pet’s eye infection. If the eye infection is due to bacteria, antibiotics are probably the best course of action. If a splinter or other debris is in the eye, it needs to be carefully removed. Various eye drops and other treatments can be used to help an eye infection as well.

Get Treatment for Your Pet’s Eye Infection in Miami, FL

If you have noticed the signs and symptoms of an eye infection in your furry friend, our animal hospital is here to help. Call Dr. Ferreira at Ferreira Animal Hospital today at (786) 275-4629 or reach us through our website by using our online appointment form.