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Laser Therapy for Pets

Ferreira Animal Hospital Miami: The Benefits of Laser Therapy for Pets

When your pet is dealing with pain, debilitating conditions, inflammation, or other issues, pet owners try to do as much as they can to relieve it. However, sometimes these efforts fall short, and they are unable to find an adequate solution to their pet’s issues. Laser therapy, specifically cold laser therapy, is growing in popularity as a solution to a multitude of veterinary issues. Our vet at Ferreira Animal Hospital in Miami is ready to explain cold laser therapy and help you decide if it could be a valuable treatment for your pet.

What Does Laser Therapy Entail?

There are multiple kinds of laser therapy performed on pets. The most common is cold laser therapy. Lasers are differentiated by the intensity of the light that they produce. While some lasers are powerful enough to be used for surgery, the lasers we use are gentle and do not heat the pet’s body tissue at all.

Cold laser therapy involves the use of specific light wavelengths to stimulate inter-cellular activity in your pet’s body. It is a great way to boost the natural healing properties of your pet’s body without resorting to surgery. The goal of cold laser therapy is to reduce your pet’s pain and expedite recovery from injury and illness. For example, a pet that is struggling with chronic pain from arthritis may benefit from cold laser therapy. It can be used to treat acute pain, trauma, and injury, as well as reduce inflammation levels in your pet’s body. Another benefit of cold laser therapy is improved circulation, which is important for helping your pet’s body repair itself.

Miami Cold Laser Therapy

At Ferreira Animal Hospital in Miami, FL, our vet has years of experience treating arthritis, inflammation, and several other conditions through cold laser therapy. For more information on laser therapy for pets, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (786) 275-4629. You may also request an appointment online.