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Puppy and Kitten Care

What You Need to Know about Puppy and Kitten Care

There nothing cuter than a new puppy or kitten, yet these sweet precious animals have needs that have to be met to ensure overall health and safety. For advice of taking care of a new pet, reach out to our veterinarian and her staff at Ferreira Animal Hospital in Miami. We can help you keep your adorable animal healthy as well as keep him happy throughout his years.

Feeding Your Puppy or Kitten

Puppies and kittens need to have a proper diet that has all the right nutrition to maintain a healthy weight. The amount of food your companion animal should receive is based on breed, size, and age. The key is to make sure that you do not underfeed or overfeed him. If you are not sure how much food you need to provide to your furry animal, ask our veterinarian in Miami for assistance. In addition to feeding the right foods, ensure that your pet gets enough water throughout the day.

Microchipping Your Puppy or Kitten

One of the saddest things we hear at our animal hospital is when a pet is lost and not returned. We deeply care about pets, and we want owners to be reunited with their pets should they get lost. The easiest and affordable way to increase the chance of reuniting with your puppy or kitten is microchipping him. This veterinary service makes a difference to many pet owners, so schedule an appointment to have this procedure done for your puppy or kitten.

Pet-Proofing Where You Live

Young pets are notorious for chewing items that can be harmful to them. Before you receive your new animal, make sure you pet-proof your house to keep him safe. If you need information about what things should be kept away from your puppy or kitten, feel free to contact our animal hospital for pet-proofing advice.

Give Your Puppy or Kitten A Great Start

Scheduling a visit with a veterinarian is recommended when you first get a puppy or kitten. Ask the veterinary staff at Ferreira Animal Hospital in Miami for information on how to properly care for a new pet. Call us at 786-275-4629 to make an appointment.