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Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants to Keep Your Pets Away From

Some plants that you plant in the garden or have as houseplants are poisonous to your pets. When you encounter an emergency, Ferreira Animal Hospital in Miami can help you with cases of poisoning. Below are some tips on poisonous plants and what to do when your dog or cat eats them. Our veterinarian is here to provide pet care in emergency situations.

Plants Toxic to Dogs and Cats

Many common pets are toxic to animals. Tulips and their bulbs cause serious symptoms. They cause drooling, indigestion, loss of appetite, convulsions, and heart problems. Azaleas have a substance in them called grayan-toxins. Poisoning with this plant can lead to an induced coma and death. Other symptoms are drooling, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, and depression.

Amaryllis is a popular garden plant in early spring and for Easter. They contain toxins that cause vomiting, tremors, salivating, and depression. Eating or chewing autumn crocus can cause vomiting with blood, mouth irritation, shock, and organ damage. Chrysanthemum another popular garden and houseplant contain a toxic substance called pyrethrins. When ingested it causes drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of coordination. English ivy is toxic if ingested causing your pets to vomit, salivate, and have abdominal pain.

Lilies are very poisonous to cats. Ingesting a small amount can cause severe kidney damage. Crabapples that grow in the yard are toxic to pets. They have cyanide that causes shock, difficulty breathing, panting, and dilated pupils. Begonias another common plant causes kidney damage and vomiting. Some herbs like chives can cause vomiting, anemia, blood in the urine, and weakness. Other common plants to look out for are daffodils and bulbs, daises, garlic, lavender, lemongrass, mint, and parsley,

What to Do in Cases of Plant Poisoning 

Look for signs of poisoning drooling, vomiting, difficulty breathing, loss appetite, staggering, or diarrhea. Call the veterinary clinic, and the vet may advise you over the phone what to do. Tell them what plant your pet ingested and their symptoms. The vet may be able to give your pet an antidote or treat their symptoms. Prevention is key do not plant or have houseplants that are poisonous to pets in the yard or home.

Call Our Veterinary Clinic If You Need Pet Care for Poisoning

Accidents happen and pets eat poisonous plants and household substances. Call our veterinarian at Ferreira Animal Hospital in Miami to learn more about prevention or emergency treatment at 786-275-4629 today.